Junior,Senior Programs

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  • Junior(Age 3-5),senior programs(Age 6-12)

GUPPY(3-5yrs),SEA TURTLE(6-12yrs)

The Guppies (ages 3-5 )and Sea Turtles(ages 6-12)learn the same skill sets but are taught a little differently. Along with building technique,these swimmers learn important foundational skills such as being comfortable in,under,and around the water, breath control, body balance, and confidence. These levels body balance, and confidence. These levels provide the ground work in which future, more advanced skills are built upon!

Goals for the class

  • Move through the water in the chin down prone position
  • Breath control and underwater comfort
  • Starfish float and back glides
  • Learn to kick independently

STAR FISH (3-5 yrs),SEA HORSE(6-12 yrs)

After mastering foundational skills in the Guppy and Sea Turtle levels,students are ready to begin building the strokes in Superfrog(3-5-year-olds)and Sea Horse(6-12-year-olds)! Freestyle arms are introduced along with a more refined and productive freestyle kick in addition to incorporating kicks to their backstroke.Breath management is taught as students learn to exhale as they swim.

Goals for the class

  • Freestyle swim to starfish float
  • Streamline and streamline with kick
  • Backstroke with kicks only
  • Independant starfish float & independant dive for rings

SUPER FROG (3-5yrs),DOLPHIN (6-12 yrs)

Welcome to the BREATHING level! In the Platypus and SeaOtterlevels,students build upon their previously learned freestyle skills by incorporating a side breath This can be a tough skill to learn! Not to worry! Learning to execute the perfect side breath takes a little time if we want the out come to be brilliant! time if we want the out come to be brilliant! Back stroke progression is continued with the addition of the backstroke pull.

Goals for the class

  • Preferred side freestyle breathing with exhaling
  • Freestyle swim to starfish float
  • Backstroke progression
  • Independant dive for rings