Learn to Swim Stages

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Learn to Swim Guppy

  • Poseidon Aquatic club Learn to Swim Guppy helps to build water confidence, while introducing water safety skills and the basic skills needed to build swimming ability.
  • Learn to Swim Guppy is the first step of the core Poseidon Learn to Swim.
  • Learners will develop basic safety awareness, learn basic movement skills and water confidence skills. They will also be introduced to a structured class setting. Swimmers may use flotation equipment, such as armbands and floats, throughout this stage.
  • Once your child has completed Learn to Swim Guppy, they will be able to unlock Star fish.

Learn to Swim Star fish

  • Poseidon Aquatic club Learn to Swim Star fish sees swimmers develop streamlining to their strokes and travel without their feet on the floor, using a recognized leg kick. Learn to Swim Star fish is the second step of the core Poseidon Aquatic club Learn to Swim Guppy Awards.
  • Swimmers are also introduced to aquatic breathing and taught to make safe entries into the water, including jumping. They will develop basic floating and learn how to rotate to regain an upright position without support.
  • All travel must be achieved without the use of flotation equipment, though buoyancy aids may be used when swimmers aren’t travelling.
  • Star fish further develops water confidence and teaches swimmers to breathe confidently while in the water. Being confident with the face in the water, or having water on the face, is crucial to stroke development.
  • Learning to be happy in the water at an early stage will allow swimmers to develop other skills more quickly later on. This stage also introduces various safety skills, such as being able to float, while also developing a swimmer’s kicking ability, leading to independent travel in water.
  • Swimmers will achieve the Star Fish Award. once they completed. And unlock the Swim Super frog level

Learn to Swim Super frog

  • In Learn to Swim Super frog, swimmers will develop their kicks, on both their front and their back.
  • In Learn to Swim Super frogis part of the core of PAC competitive training, swimmer will streamline through push and glides, also swimming underwater.
  • Swimmers will develop safe entries into the water, including submersion, and travel up to 25 metres on their front and back. Water safety knowledge and rotation skills will also be progressed. One of the fun areas of this stage is learning to go under the water to pick up an object.
  • This helps develop skills for a number of different disciplines, including synchro, diving and competitive swimming. Swimmers will earn the Award of Super frog. If they can't complete 25 meter length, then swimmers will have their first opportunity to earn the Swim Distance 10m Award.

Learn to Swim Sea Turtle

  • In Learn to Swim Sea turtle sees swimmers perfect their leg kicks for all four strokes and further develop push and glides, while also being introduced to sculling. Learn to Swim Sea turtle is part of the core Poseidon Aquatic club competitive training.
  • They will develop an understanding of buoyancy through a range of skills and should swim 25 metres to the Poseidon Aquatic club Expected Standards. By the end of this stage, swimmers are expected to have a clear ability to perform recognisable leg kicks for all four strokes.
  • If not achieved in Learn to Swim Super frog, swimmers should claim their Swim Distance 10m Award, while also attaining the Swim Stroke 10m Award in front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly.

Learn to Swim Sea Horse

  • In Learn to Swim Sea horse, swimmers will develop their skills in treading water, learn the correct arm pulls for all four strokes and learn how to do handstands and somersaults.
  • The emphasis is on ensuring all work done in the previous stages is developed further.
  • A key activity in Learn to Swim Sea horse is sculling, which is an important skill to master as it is not only prevalent in artistic swimming, but is also vital to ensuring water safety. Learning to tread water is an important area of development and again is a crucial life saving skill.
  • Swimmers can achieve the Sea horse Swim Stroke 25m Award in all four strokes

Learn to Swim Dolphin

  • In Learn to Swim Dolphin swimmers will learn how to prepare for exercise, while developing an efficient technique for all four strokes and further developing surface dives.
  • In Learn to Swim Dolphin is the penultimate stage of the core to Poseidon Aquatic club Competitive trainings. The effective swimming skills taught include coordination, breathing and an understanding of water safety. Within this stage, swimmers will work on all the other strokes, including streamlining, improving their technique with both their arms and their legs.
  • Once your child has completed Learn to Swim Dolphin, they will be able to unlock Shark.


  • Poseidon Aquatic club Shark focuses on full development all four strokes, as well as building of stamina and improving diving skills.
  • Shark is the first stage of the core Poseidon Aquatic club to Elite swimmers.
  • Swimmers should develop a quality stroke technique for up to 100M, incorporating the skills they have learnt throughout the stages and combining them to develop a linked routine.
  • They should successfully complete an obstacle course, which combines a variety of skills they have learnt from Stages 1 to 6.
  • Swimmers have developed a range of skills in previous stages and these are now brought into a sequence.
  • By the end of this stage, swimmers will be able to swim 25M of all four strokes to Poseidon Aquatic club’s Expected Standards. Swimmers will also be able to complete a continuous swim of 100 meter's using Four of these different strokes.
  • When they have reached Shark, swimmers can also achieve their Swim Distance 50m and 100m Awards.
  • Alongside that, they can achieve their Swim Stroke 50m Awards for both backstroke and front crawl. Once your child has completed Shark, they will be able to unlock Wesley the Orca
  • Once your child has completed Shark, they will be able to unlock Wesley the Orca.

Next Steps

  • Your child’s development does not have to stop after they have finished Shark.
  • There are three further stages, known as the Poseidon Aquatic club Aquatic Skills Framework, where children can learn sport-specific skills.
  • Elite Swimmer Stages 8-10 Swimming


By completing this Award you will be able to:

  • Complete a set lasting 400 metres (e.g. 16 x 25 metres, 8 x 50 metres, 4 x 100 metres) on a specific turnaround time agreed by the teacher or coach (e.g. 1.00 minutes for each 25 metres) with a focus on stroke technique and consistency.
  • Swim 400 metres continuously using one stroke.
  • Push and streamline then kick 25 metres backstroke with or without using a board.
  • Push and streamline then kick 25 metres breaststroke with or without using a board.
  • Push and streamline then kick 25 metres butterfly without using a board.
  • Push and streamline then kick 25 metres front crawl with or without using a board.
  • Perform a backstroke turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
  • Perform a breaststroke turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
  • Perform a butterfly turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
  • Perform a front crawl turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
  • Perform a dive track or grab start, and kick butterfly underwater in a streamlined position for 5 metres with the focus on progressing it to 10 metres.
  • Delivery will depend on the pool design and facilities available.

Sword fish

By completing this Award you will be able to:

  • Complete a set lasting 800 metres (either 16 x 50 metres, 8 x 100 metres, 4 x 200 metres) on a specific turnaround time agreed by the teacher or coach (e.g. 1.30 minutes for 50 metres) with a focus on stroke technique and consistency.
  • Swim 800 metres continuously using one stroke.
  • Swim a continuous 100 metre individual medley (4 x 25 metres) using recognised turns with a focus on stroke technique and consistency.
  • Perform a 15 metre underwater kick on front from a push and glide in a streamlined position.
  • Perform a backstroke start then butterfly kick in a streamlined position underwater up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point (wall). Transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.*
  • Perform a front crawl start then kick in a streamlined position underwater up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point (wall). Transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.*
  • Perform a butterfly start then kick in a streamlined position up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point (wall). Transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.*
  • Perform a breaststroke start then perform a one and a half pull underwater. Transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25 metres.*
  • Delivery will depend on the pool design and facilities available.

Poseidon swim squad

By completing this Award you will be able to:

  • Complete a set lasting 1600 metres (either 16 x 100 metres, 8 x 200 metres, 4 x 400 metres) on a specific timed turnaround set by the teacher or coach (e.g. 2.30 minutes for 100 metres), focus on stroke technique and consistency.
  • Swim 1500 metres continuously using one stroke.
  • Perform a continuous 100 metre individual medley kick (4 x 25 metres) without using a kick board.
  • Swim a continuous 200 metre individual medley (4 x 50 metres) using recognised turns.
  • Perform a front crawl relay take over –as an incoming swimmer.
  • Perform a front crawl relay take over –as an outgoing swimmer.

Water Safety 1 Award

The outcomes of this Award should be performed in shoulder-depth water, without goggles and in regular swimwear.

  • Perform a swivel entry.
  • Jump in and immediately rotate 180 degrees to travel back to the side.
  • Float on the back for 30 seconds.
  • Fully submerge, exhale and resurface
  • Log roll from floating on the front to floating on the back.
  • Tread water in an upright position for 10 seconds without floatation equipment.
  • Perform a signal for help on the back, whilst holding onto floatation equipment.
  • Exit the water safely without support.
  • Show an understanding of water safety.

Water Safety 2 Award

The outcomes of this Award should be performed in water of at least full reach depth, without goggles and light clothing (shorts and t-shirt).

  • Perform a fall in entry.
  • Float on the back for 60 seconds without floatation equipment and explain why this is important.
  • Tread water for 30 seconds without floatation equipment.
  • Perform a rotation of 360 degrees whilst treading water without floatation equipment.
  • Signal for help whilst treading water without floatation equipment.
  • Swim on the front for 10 metres, log roll onto the back and then rest for 60 seconds; return to an upright position to tread water.
  • Swim 10 metres on the front, log roll dand swim 10 metres on the back to a floating object.
  • Swim for 10 metres towards the side of the pool using long arm front paddle (survival stroke).
  • Fully submerge to the pool floor; rhythmically bounce from the pool floor to the surface to take a breath; re-submerge. Repeat four times.
  • Demonstrate the Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP) with a floating object.
  • Climb out from the side, without using the steps.
  • Recite and show understanding of the four key water safety messages.

Water Safety 3 Award

The outcomes of this Award should be performed in water of at least full reach depth, without goggles and in full length clothing (trousers/long sleeved top).

  • Perform a straddle entry.
  • Complete a circuit of submerging and resurfacing under or through objects andc ollecting an object from floor. The circuit must include at least one head first and one feet first surface dive.
  • Tread water for two minutes without floatation equipment rotating 360 degrees once.
  • Float for 90 seconds, without floatation equipment with minimal movement in simulated rough/moving water.
  • Swim a distance of 200 metres.
  • Swim 50 metres using a recognisable stroke to a floating object then stop in deep water and signal for help.
  • Perform the Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP) for three minutes with a life jacket/Personal Floatation Device (PFD).
  • Perform the Huddle Position with at least three other participants without floatation equipment; rotate and signal for help.
  • Climb out from the side, without using the steps or rail or any other assistance.
  • Perform a shout and signal rescue.
  • Share at least three facts about the effects of cold water shock and show understanding of how to manage its effects.
  • Give two examples of local hazards and how to minimize risks when around them.

What next?

After completing the Water Safety Awards, your child could move onto the Rookie Life guard Awards where they will develop life saving skills needed to become a lifeguard.