Upper Level Swimmers

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In Manatee, students are on their way to becoming proficient swimmers with excellent technique !We bring in the non-preferred side breathing and continue perfecting a strong back stroke technique. This level incorporates the introduction to butter fly and breaststroke and introduces somersaults in preparation for flip turns.

Goals for the class

  • Non-preferred side breathing
  • Breast stroke kick
  • Somersault
  • Butterfly kick


In Orca, students are perfecting their free style with proper lateral breathing and their back stroke while they learn the finer details of stroke mechanics. They are also adding the arms to both the breast stroke and butter fly strokes as we perfect the timing. This level works more on endurance, stroke efficiency, and developing flip turns.

Goals for the class

  • Maintain free style with side-breathing.
  • Breastroke arms and timing.
  • Somersault from swim + sit down dives
  • Butterfly arms and timing


In Barracuda, students complete their journey through our main program! Barracuda's put the finishing touches on everything from fine-tuning freestyle and breathing techniques to implementing the breathing in the butterfly and breast stroke. We continue to work on back stroke skills and round out the technique with full flip turns.

Goals for the class

  • Freestyle with bi-lateral breathing.
  • Breastroke swim with breathing.
  • Flip turns.
  • Butterfly swim with breathing.